
As a church and school our mission is to connect our community to Jesus and therefore a third “arm” of our ministries is providing outreach and connection to the Douglas County area and also mission trips abroad. We hope to equip our members to be sent into their neighborhoods, schools, workplaces and activities with God’s love showing through them.

Local Partnerships

Trinity partners with Parker Task force for a monthly collection meeting the needs of members in our community. Collections occur the last Sunday of each month with items listed in the our weekly email.

Piecemakers Ministry

Our Piecemakers ministry is a group of ladies who bring their God given talents to the table by sewing, quilting, knitting, etc. to create a variety of hand made items to donate to many different charities/missions local and overseas. The Pieacemakers are a multiage gathering, meeting every Friday 8:30 - 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall sharing coffee, a devotional, friendship, encouragement and support in their daily Christian walk as they create together. These lovely ladies are willing to teach those who want to learn a new skill. BEGINNERS WELCOME, anytime and would love to have you join us!

Community Connect Events

In collaboration with our church teams, fellowship, education and student ministries, we host several large community events every year. We want to connect members from our various ministries in multigenerational opportunities for fellowship and fun

Visit our NEWS page for upcoming events and registration information

Mission Trips

We believe that mission trips provide a wonderful serving and learning experience as our members are immersed in different settings and cultures as they serve. Check out the highlight videos below of our three 2024 Summer Mission Trips! Planning is underway for next year’s opportunities.